Project Categories
You may present your research using one of the seven category types shown below. Learn about each one and check out the rules and resources we have to get you started. As you look through these, think about your topic and interests to determine which one you think will work best to present your research.
California History Day students compete in one of three divisions:
- Elementary (4th–5th grade)
- Junior (6th–8th grade)
- Senior (9th–12th grade)
Note: The links for rules below are only the category rules. For the complete rule book click here.
Group or Individual
Students can choose one of the following ways to build their project:
- Individual Project
- Group Project (2–5 students)

Documentaries are great for students who like to work with computers and multimedia. After you research, you will write a script and find illustrations and multimedia to create a mini-film about your topic. If you don't have access to video editing software at home, be sure to check with your teacher about what is available through your school. The most common software used is iMovie, Windows MovieMaker, or Final Cut Pro.

Sacramento County Office of Education
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826
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